A Black belt is a coveted status. It means a lot to the general population. The mind conjures the picture of a well disciplined man, with great self control, wisdom, compassion who shall risk his life if need be to walk the righteous path and prevent injustice to his family, friends and society, as a matter of duty and honour. A Black belt is a rare breed- one of its kind.

Every one dreams of becoming a Black belt sometime or another, during his lifetime. There are only about 20,000 Blackbelts in the world and about 10,000 from India alone, considering all martial arts.
So a Blackbelt is an extremely rare being, one of 20,000 folks in the world. And One out of One lakh Indians is a Black Belt.

At the MCA -Mumbai Combat Arts Training Center, We can help you to crystalise your dream of becoming one of a rare breed of Black Belts. Under our training, any adult under 60 years of age can train safely at MCA, under our supervision of our panel of expert Instructors, Doctors and Rehab therapists, within his ability at his own pace, by just training weekends for a few hours and achieve his Black belt in about a year. The MCA has produced 3500 Blackbelts from adult working sector, the largest BB database in the world.

Call 9820496752 and speak to Ms Zeenat to schedule a visit to MCA – Mumbai Combat Arts Training facility, India’s one and only one dedicated combat training studio.